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Hey all, today I’m showing some models that Forge World released quite some time ago the Mechanicum Ursarax.
I like these guys, I can really imagine them dropping out of the sky and ripping someone to pieces. They all have quite nasty hand weapons. They are quite easy and enjoyable to paint as well. Sadly they do not belong to me as I had to give them away. What do you think? Are you excited about Saturdays releases?
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Honestly, your stuff is getting boring. You keep reusing the same scheme through the majority of your posts. It was cool the first few times you posted on Tale of Painters, but it is getting old. You keep using the same style, colors, basing, etc and just applying it to different models. This looks just like your necron, demons, tau, eldar, dark eldar, and tyranid posts.
Third eye you have to show some love to the death korps of krieg one day! Seeing your style matched with possibly the most brutal bad ass troops in 40k lore would be epic and inspiring!!!
Thanks for reminding me. I would love to give the Krieg a go. I think I'll order some of the horsemen in this weekend as I love the models.
Woo! Can't wait to see em 🙂
nice models
but I throw a gauntlet down at your feet
A new basing style that differs from the one you differ to.
I feel that this used all the time and is now the trade mark which detracts from the paint work.
whenever I now see your new posts and see the same basing style I find it hard to focus on the detail on the models that you have painted
Just a critctique to help development and growth up to you on how you take it
I think it's nice that third eye has found his own touch on the 40k world, adding his own atmosphere and grimy battlefield feel. Personally I love the basing style and find it accurately depicts a world that has its foundations built upon war and it's brutality. I'm all for third eye keeping his own unique style and simply focus on refining rather than changing. (Not that it needs refining) Hopefully more 40k artists are inspired to create their own style and their own atmosphere feel on their minis rather than going with the flow and painting their minis how they are displayed on the box they've come from. But hey development and growth can never be bad right?
Ah, I'll give the bases a go!! and thanks for the kind words 🙂