Hi all! I finished the Deathmages Mortis Engine for now. Click for some more pictures and details…
I mainly used the drybrushing technique in combination with washes and layers. For the base (the biggest round base GW has in stock) I used natural stones, Styrodur (also known as polystyrol outside of Germany) and sand. In addition, I also made use of the small chapel from the Sigmarite Mausoleum. I am thinking about adding a couple of Skeleton Warriors to complete this little scene.
I placed the Banshees not directly on the engine but as part of the scenery. The Corpsemaster should be the model’s focus point, so I used pink and yellow as spot colours for his robe and flames. All in all, I am happy with the finished model and will use this piece for a future Armies of Parade project. What do you think? Leave a comment…
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This looks obscenely cool! I love the dynamics of the basing!
Looks really cool. The addition of the little mausoleum it a good way to give some more background for the model.
I like the ghostly glow on the walls.
Using red for the mage is a good way to show that he is the only living creature in there.
I think it would be a nice detail to give the eyes of the skeleton lord in the back the same glow as the ghosts have.
And of course, add some skellies. With glowing eyes of course 😉
Thx?? Will keep that in my mind, the glowing of course ?