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Hi all! I finished the Deathmages Mortis Engine for now. Click for some more pictures and details…

I mainly used the drybrushing technique in combination with washes and layers. For the base (the biggest round base GW has in stock) I used natural stones, Styrodur (also known as polystyrol outside of Germany) and sand. In addition, I also made use of the small chapel from the Sigmarite Mausoleum. I am thinking about adding a couple of Skeleton Warriors to complete this little scene.

I placed the Banshees not directly on the engine but as part of the scenery. The Corpsemaster should be the model’s focus point, so I used pink and yellow as spot colours for his robe and flames. All in all, I am happy with the finished model and will use this piece for a future Armies of Parade project. What do you think? Leave a comment…