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Just a quick snap from my painting desk today to share my current progress of my Celestar Ballista. The warmachine is finished and I’m about half way done on the crew. My Get a Grips are helping me a lot with these. It’s weird how a new piece of equipment (wether it’s brushes, paint, clippers or even a grip) can really motivate you to paint. I kinda get that feeling with new models. New models do motivate me to paint but theres a limit, as soon as it gets too much it has the opposite effect. One new model is fine, 100 is damn right scary. I think that’s why I’ve enjoyed not buying the Soul Storm boxset and instead opted to buy the army in chunks of a few hundred points instead. Seems to be working out well and I’m on track to complete 1500pts soon. I can’t wait to share the army shot.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay