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Check out this cheeky little side project. This mini was recently available to order on the Games Workshop online store so I thought I’d pick it up. When he arrived I didn’t really want to paint him as a Dark Angel because I have enough Lieutenants already (don’t we all?) So I asked twitter and White Dwarf’s very own Matt Hutson suggested Tomekeepers. If you haven’t heard of the Tomekeepers you need to check out White Dwarf (starting with issue 453). It’ll explain about how the White Dwarf team are making their own Space Marine chapter that will be 100% official and written into the background. So that’s how I chose the Tomekeepers. They’re new and exciting. At this point in time I’m only painting the one model. No plan to start an army, but who knows? Maybe a little KillTeam could happen?

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay