Special post today, Games Workshop has kindly sent over Stormcast Eternals Lord Commander Bastian Cartholos for me to paint up. I’ve had to put in some extra late night painting to get him done in time but here he is! He’s such an amazing model.

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Lord Commander Bastian Cartholos available to preorder today 23rd October and available instore and online from the 30th October 2021).

I decided to build mine holding his hammer in one hand with his bare head option. You can also build him holding the hammer in two hands and he comes with a helmet option. His instructions are easy to follow and the back page includes his rules. When painting it I worked in sub-assemblies and kept the base, head, shoulder pad and cape separate to make it easier to paint the hard to reach areas under the skirt and cape. .

I actually made life harder for myself to meet the Saturday 10am deadline by deciding to paint up more terrain. I only had a single Sigmar statue so I raided my Mortal Realms magazine sprues and dug out a second statue and some floor sections so I could take the photo I wanted.

I painted Bastian in my Primal Kings Stormcast scheme which I think really suits him. Maybe he’s on secondment to the Primal Kings who are based in Ghur. Perhaps he’s heard about their secret and wants to investigate.

Bastian Cartholos Standing with some of Sigmar’s other mighty Champions.
Size comparison of Bastian with different rank and file Stormcast Eternals
Bastian Cartholos size comparison with different Age of Sigmar races
And for those of you who want to kit bash Bastian into a Chapter Master/Primarch, here he is with some Firstborn and Primaris Space Marines.
Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay