Over the last two years, I gathered a quite sizeable terrain collection of classic Necromunda cardboard buildings and modern 40k plastic terrain kits. I never got around to taking proper group shots, but Garfy’s awesome Souldrain Forest board inspired me to present my scenery in the same style. So here is my take on Sector Fronteris with all my Ryza pattern ruins. Wondering how I painted their black and petrol paint scheme? Check out all my recipes after the jump.

How to paint Sector Fronteris terrain – paint recipes
Primer: Black primer of your choice (e.g. The Army Painter Matt Black Color Primer, then apply Vallejo Black Primer with an airbrush or brush to cover all areas the primer didn’t reach)
Black structures
Selective Wash: P3 Umbral Umber thinned with water
Selective Wash: P3 Bootstrap Leather thinned with water
Drybrush: Mechanicus Standard Grey
Drybrush: Screaming Skull
Sponge Weathering: VMC Black
Sponge Weathering: VMechaC Dark Steel

Petrol structures
Zenithal airbrush + Drybrush: Incubi Darkness
Selective Wash: P3 Umbral Umber thinned with water
Selective Wash: P3 Bootstrap Leather thinned with water
Drybrush: Thunderhawk Blue
Drybrush: Screaming Skull
Sponge Weathering: VMC Black
Sponge Weathering: VMechaC Dark Steel

Grey structures
Zenithal airbrush: VMC German Grey
Zenithal airbrush: Mechanicus Standard Grey
Selective Wash: P3 Umbral Umber thinned with water
Selective Wash: P3 Bootstrap Leather thinned with water
Drybrush: RMS Stone Grey
Drybrush: Screaming Skull
Sponge Weathering: VMC Black
Sponge Weathering: VMechaC Dark Steel
Metal barrels
Basecoat: VMechaC Dark Steel
Wash: Dark Tone Ink / Nuln Oil Gloss 1:1
Selective Wash: P3 Umbral Umber thinned with water
Selective Wash: P3 Bootstrap Leather thinned with water
Drybrush: VMechaC Steel
Brassy details
Basecoat: VGC Brassy Brass
Wash: TAP Strong Tone Ink
Drybrush: Liberator Gold (optional)
Drybrush: VMechaC Steel

Green ammo crates
Basecoat: OOP Orkhide Shade
Wash: Coelia Greenshade
Drybrush: Waaagh! Flesh
Drybrush: Screaming Skull
Basecoat: Incubi Darkness
Layer: Dark Reaper
Highlight: Thunderhawk Blue
Highlight: P3 Underbelly Blue
White Details
Basecoat: RMS Polished Bone
Highlight: VMC White
Abbreviations: OOP = old Citadel paint range (out of production), VGC = Vallejo Game Color, VMC = Vallejo Model Color, VMechaC = Vallejo Mecha Color, P3 = Privateer Press Formula P3, TAP = The Army Painter Warpaints, RMS = Reaper Master Series, GSW = Greenstuff World, S75 = Scale 75 Scale Color
Hope you enjoyed the glimpse into my terrain collection, stay tuned for more of my scenery boards, and make sure to leave a comment or reaction below.
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Looks great, lovely terrain!