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This was a tasking batch paint. Using my Mirkwood Elf tutorial I batch painted the remaining nine elves and the two Finecast Captains in one go. It took a while but I’m pleased these are finally finished and off my desk. More photographs after the jump.

The above shot shows all the plastic Mirkwood Elves from the box set. I found it odd you only got 10 models when most box sets have a full twelve model war band. 

I also received the Mirkwood Ranger Captains for Christmas as a secret Santa present that my local Games Workshop was hosting. Interestingly you get two models in the clamshell. Neither really look like Captains. In the picture above the Captain is the fourth from the left. 

This female Captain (third from the left) is leading her small warband of five elves. 

I’m not particularly proud of the faces of these Captains. They’re just soo small and I was rushing them to get them finished. They’re fine for tabletop. 

That’s it for my adventures in Middle-Earth at the moment. I might return to this side of the Hobby in a few months. Thanks for following my progress, it’s been a blast the past couple of months. 

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