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Update on the Ravager. There must be a jinx on it. At first, when I wanted to paint the blue stripe on the left hull piece, I didn’t pay enough attention when I attached the masking tape and the stripe turned out to be totally awry. You can still see where the original stripe was.

And then, when I wanted to seal the edges of the other hull piece, I accidentally grabbed glaze medium instead of varnish. I only noticed when it was already dry, it left a white residue which totally messed up the finished piece. So in the end, I had to repaint the panel with the stripe on the one hull piece and also large parts of the other… Really slowed me down, by now I wanted to have the whole hull finished. Can’t be helped though.

By the way, when you read this, I’m off with Garfy to a trip to Warhammer World. Visiting Warhammer World is probably something every hobbyist dreams of. It’s also my first trip to England, so it’s really special to me. More about our visit in a later post.