n my showcase post today, I’m presenting my version of Sister Tariana Palos. Painted in the golden armour of The Order of the Golden Light, she is one of my favourite models from the Adepta Sororitas range. Click here for more pictures, a 360-degree view, and a free tutorial.

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Sister Tariana Palos painted in the colours of The Order of the Golden Light on a black background

Sister Tariana Palos was a commemorative model of the Sisters of Battle. She was probably intended as an event miniature but then appeared as a limited webstore exclusive in 2020 during the pandemic. The design is based on the artwork from the Adepta Sororitas Codex of the 7th Edition and encapsulates all the qualities of the revamped Sisters of Battle range for me. I had been wanting to paint a Sister of Battle for some time, and as a palette cleanser, Tariana Palos was the perfect choice.

For the painting, I oriented myself on the ‘Eavy Metal version of The Order of the Golden Light found in the Codex Sisters of Battle. I kept the warm gold tone but also took some liberties. I integrated more violet tones; for instance, instead of the black lining of the robes, I used a very dark purple, Warpaints Fanatic Terrestrial Titan. Additionally, I shaded some of the metallic details with violet, like the Fleur de Lys symbols and the steel of the bolter, which I washed with Vallejo XPress Color Wicked Purple.

Also check out this 360-degree view:

How to paint Sister Tariana Palos

Here on Tale of Painters, I recently posted a free tutorial for Sister Tariana Palos, which demonstrates step by step my interpretation of The Order of the Golden Light. Additionally, there’s a slightly extended PDF version available.

How to paint Sisters of Battle masterclass Patreon banner

You can get the expanded step-by-step tutorial for my Sisters of Battle here in my Patreon shop (or by becoming an Autarch tier member). This expanded version also covers the flames on the base, a darker leather tone, as well as an updated tutorial for the face.

Cinematic shot of  Sister Tariana Palos painted in the colours of The Order of the Golden Light, on a red and purple background

Hope you like my rendition of Tariana Palos. Would love to paint some more Sisters of Battle in the future, but for now I need to focus on Horus Ascended and paint some of the new Skaven from Skaventide.

Feel free to leave a reaction, or drop a comment below, I’m also happy to answer any questions on our friendly hobby Discord server. Thanks a lot, and happy hobbying!