40k, Showcase

Showcase: 40k Ruined Building

I had so much fun making and painting this ruined building. I’d recommend it to anyone who is looking for a change of pace from the hobby. After the jump I give you more pictures of different angles, including some thoughts on where I’d like…

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WIP: Rogue Trader Space Ork Raiders

Yet another project I kinda stumbled into: It’s Thrugg Bullneck’s Space Ork Raiders. I was happily working on proper projects, glazing the thighs of 25mm horses as a righteous man should. At some point I had to wait for the stuff to dry, my eyes…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarine Company Veterans / Command Squad

Remember the Company Veterans I posted before Christmas? With my Shadespire warband finally complete, it was time to return to these guys. Check them out after the jump. The squad features some existing models which I just upgraded to 32mm bases, and some new additions…

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Showcase: Ork KillBursta Tank

Hey all and happy 2018. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. I celebrated by taking a break for a few days from painting to be with family. It was really nice to put the airbrush and paint brush down for…

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WIP: Deathwatch Kill Team Cassius #1

A while ago, pretty much out of the blue, we decided to give Deathwatch: Overkill a go. Usually I don’t play anything unpainted, but in this case, we made an exception. Still, shortly thereafter I started painting the Deathwatch Marines. This is a rather early…

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