40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angels Assault Intercessors

Charging, servo-assisted towering suits of ceramite armoured gene-enhanced humans with chainswords revving and screaming while Heavy Bolt Pistols staccato bark. Slamming into an enemy position and running straight through it. Bodies left torn and rent, screams of mercy as the heretics hold bloody stumps. This is the definition of brutal assault. This is the grim darkness of the far future.

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Editorial, Showcase

Stahly’s 2021 Hobby Resolution and Recap of 2020


Another year has passed, and despite all that’s going on in the world, we stick to our annual tradition and end the year with a retrospective of what we’ve painted and share our hobby resolutions for the coming year. Today is my turn, so join for a ride through Nighthaunt, Necromunda, Howling Banshees, loads of terrain, and more.

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Age of Sigmar, Showcase

Showcase: Bloodcrushers of Khorne

Hellblade wielding Bloodletters astride a rampaging Juggernaut is the stuff of nightmares. These Bloodcrushers are led by a Bloodhunter, they’re keen to use their Decapitating Blow to take the Skulls for Khorne. I’m not sure how many skulls are going to be left intact after the Brazen Hooves have trampled the enemy to mush.

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Age of Sigmar, Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: “Cherry Tree” Awakened Wyldwoods

Awakened Wyldwood scenic shot

I’ve painted an Awakened Wyldwood from the Warcry Souldrain Forest set in a pink “cherry tree” paint scheme. Now I know why Games Workshop dubbed this kit as soul draining, because these trees are probably the least enjoyable models I’ve assembled and painted in a long time. Or, like ever. Anyways, check out the pictures of the finished set.

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angels Ravenwing Outriders

Vroom vrroooooom! Space Marine bikes are back! These slabs or armoured engine are long, low slung and oversized and perfect for their Primaris riders. They’re perfect mounts for my Primaris Ravenwing, now the Primaris can get involved in the hunt for Cypher and the Fallen.

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