40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tomekeepers Primaris Lieutenant

Painting this Lieutenant was a fantastic break to painting my Slaves to Darkness. It was as good change of pace and half way through painting him I had the idea to take the about picture. I modelled and 3D printed some bookcases (he is a…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Space Wolves Lord Krom

Hi, all! Here a quick look at Space Wolves Lord Krom I finished recently. I found him in the grimdark of a locker and was inspired to paint him after reading White Dwarf issue 452 I guess. Also, I got out the older “Companies of…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Looterz

Greetings, humans. Hope you’re well. Today I’d like to show you a bunch of Looterz. As usual with this army I have to point out that I didn’t convert these myself. I just get to paint them. 🙂 …which also allows me to praise the…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Stormboyz

Reet, that’s the Stormboyz. Proper bigmob of 64 figures I painted, and here’s some close-up shots of the indiviual figures’ fronts and backs. As with the Gretchins I’ll post the full photo series on the Battle Brush Studios site. Painting these chaps was kind of…

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