Reviews, Warcry

Review: Warcry: Crypt of Blood starter set

Warcry: Crypt of Blood review and unboxing

Similar to Kill Team before it, Warcry, the skirmish offshoot of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, now also receives a compact starter box. However, it’s surprising that the set doesn’t include models or terrain pieces from the original Warcry launch box. Instead, it features two recycled Warhammer: Underworlds warbands combined with a new set of graveyard scenery. In my review, I’ll explain whether Warcry: Crypt of Blood is worth it or not.

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Painting Guides, Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Warcry Stormcast Questor Soulsworn (inc. painting guide)

Unable to dispatch his armies into the thick undergrowth of the Gnarlwood, Sigmar created the Questor Soulsworn. Elite groups of powerful armour clad warriors armed with powerful and devastating weaponry such as Grandhammers. Led by a Questor Prime, the group is also joined by a Knight Relictor. Check out this post to see my painted Questor Soulsworn Warcry Warband, with some insights into how they play and a painting guide recipe card.

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Painting Guides, Showcase, Warcry

Showcase: Warcry Royal Beastflayers (inc. painting guide)

Heeding the call of their liege, the Royal Beastflayer and her noble entourage sally forth into the Gnarlwood to clear their lands of monstrous beasts. The reality is far from this version of events with the truth being these deluded ghouls are under the influence of an insane vampire with a monstrous hunger. Check out this post to see my painted Royal Beastflayer Warcry Warband, with some insights into how they play and a painting guide recipe card.

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