40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ravenwing Bike Squad from Dark Vengeance

This completed squad of Ravenwing Bikers join the ranks of my Army of the Imperium Project. It’s also another step closer to completing the the Dark Vengeance Boxed Game. After the jump you can see some individual close ups. Ravenwing Bike Sergeant armed with Chainsword. Ravenwing…

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WIP: Dark Angels Ravenwing Bike Squad

Just a quick WIP shot today of my bikers. Being a biker myself (I own a 2012 Honda Hornet) I’m surprised I don’t own a bike army. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever painted space marine bikes before. I’m really enjoying painting these because…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Tactical Squad

The first five models of my Tactical Squad are complete. I’m really pleased with how these have come out. I like the subtle glow of the plasma weapons, I like the blue lenses as well. Next up I’m going to finish the Ravenwing biker squad….

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WIP: Dark Angel Tactical Squad

Hot on the heels of completing Deathstorm, I’m straight back to Dark Vengeance with a small batch paint of Dark Angel Tactical Marines. I must say I’m really enjoying painting green. If you’d like to know how I painted my tactical marine click here.

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WIP: Dark Angels Ravenwing

I love motorbikes, I’m surprised I haven’t painted these sooner. As you can see from the picture above I’m roughly half way through the first test model, which will also be the basis for a tutorial. Stay tuned for more progress on my Army of…

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WIP: Dark Angel Tactical Squad

So, in the early stages of this Army of the Imperium project I need to get some colour schemes sorted. I always paint one miniature from a unit and take photos of each step with the paint pot next to it. This is so I…

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