Showcase: Lord of the Rings Defenders of Helm’s Deep
Hi all, Rich here with a short showcase on the Forge World Defenders of Helm’s Deep miniatures. I painted these for a friend who received these for Christmas from his lovely wife! I really love the detail on the new Middle-Earth, Forge World miniatures, I…
Showcase: Lord of the Rings Nazgûl of Dol Guldur by Rich
If He had a name, it’s long since been lost. He would have been known only as a servant of evil. One of a number, one of nine. Here are my Nine, a project that started two years ago on the New Years open day…
Showcase: Lord of the Rings The Three Hunters & Warriors of the Dead by FruitBear
Hey there everyone! I’m really excited to be sharing this with all of you. Here we have my 750 point army for a Lord of the Rings tournament I participated in not long ago. It includes the Three Hunters and the Warriors of the Dead!…
Showcase: Lord of the Rings Legolas Greenleaf by FruitBear
Hey there everyone, following my last post on Gimli we finally have the Mirkwood prince himself, Legolas. I left him last to paint as I knew he would take the longest to paint and I was right! I hoped some lessons I learnt from painting…
Showcase: Lord of the Rings Gimli by FruitBear
Hey there everyone, following my last post here’s Gimli, son of Gloin the second of the Three Hunters. I tried to stick to the original colour scheme with some reference material from the movies as well as having internet references from other talented individuals that…
Showcase: Aragorn by FruitBear
Hey there everyone. Today I’ve got what is the start of a low model count army I did for a Lord of the Rings tournament not too long ago. When I decided on an army, I really wanted t include the Three Hunters thus, I…
Showcase: Gandalf the Grey in Moria
Hi all, today I want to show you a blast from the past. It’s Gandalf the Grey in Moria, facing the fearsome Balrog. Sadly I can’t show you Balrog as I never finished him :(. In my mind, I always had the idea to build…
Showcase: Lord of the Rings Troll
This plastic troll was quite fun to paint because of the different textures. You have rusted metals, faded old rags, black leather straps and troll skin. The major downside with this model is the pose. As a plastic kit the pose is limited because the…
Showcase: Frodo wearing the Ring
I’ve spent hours working on this model, it’s an accurate representation of Frodo wearing the ring. The likeness is uncanny! OK OK, just so you don’t feel hard done by with the lame excuse of a blog entry, read on to see a cool LOTR scene…
Showcase: Lord of the Rings Mounted Aragorn
I couldn’t help but notice the complete lack of LotR models on the blog, so I’ve dug out pics of the Aragorn I painted last August for a friend. The slightly smaller scale was interesting to paint. I quite enjoyed it and my friend loved…
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