Tutorial: How to paint Aeldari Voidscarred Corsairs from Kill Team: Nachmund
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to paint the new Aeldari / Eldar Voidscarred Corsairs from the Kill Team: Nachmund box, which will be released next week. While there is no official paint scheme yet, the crimson and gold could represent the Twilight Swords, but it’s also the ideal starting point to paint the Visarch, Ynnari, or even Craftworld Altansar. You’ll also learn how to paint a blaster glow effect, scales, and gems, so here we go.
Tutorial: How to paint Eldar Witchblades (lightning effect power swords)
In this tutorial, I explain how to paint Eldar / Aeldari Witchblades (or Singing Spears) with an energized lightning effect. This is a useful technique not only for Craftworlders, but all sorts of power swords as well. Find out more in this post.
Stahly needs your help!
In 2022/23 I want to make a big dream come true: After 10 years of blogging only in my spare time, I want to reduce my working hours at my job so I have more time for videos and Tale of Painters. To make this work financially, I need your support on Patreon.
Tutorial: How to paint turquoise “molten lava” blades
Looking for a cool magical effect to add to your weapons? Check out my tutorial for painting molting metal Wight blades… but in turquoise!
Tutorial: How to paint Dark Angels power armour
The perfect shade for Dark Angels power armour is not easy to find. Too dark and it will lack contrast, too light or too green and it will look more like Salamanders. In this tutorial I show you the recipe I came up with and what in my opinion is the perfect colour to highlight Dark Angels armour.
Tutorial: How to Paint Tarantulos Brood Doomweaver
In this post, I’ll show you how to paint a Tarantulos Brood Doomweaver from the Warcry Red Harvest box set. I painted this model in 20 easy to follow steps. You’ll learn how I paint white webs, spider armour plates, poisoned skin and more. This tutorial is perfect for any of the models in the Tarantulos Brood like the Broodmaster or Broodkin. Find out how in this tutorial.
Tutorial: How to paint Necron Gauss glow effects with Nihilakh Oxide
is post, I’ll show you a super quick and easy way to do the glow effect on Necron Gauss weapons using the unique properties of Nihilakh Oxide wash. Best of all, this basic and straightforward technique translates to a whole lot of other models, so check it out.
Tutorial: How to paint Black Templars Crusader Squads
In this post, I’ll show you how to paint a Crusader from the Black Templars from the Black Templar Army Set. I painted this model in 24 easy to follow steps. You’ll learn how I paint black armour, cream tabards, bright yellows and more. This tutorial is perfect for any black armoured Space Marines like Raven Guard and Death Company. Find out how in this tutorial.
Tutorial: How to paint an Ork Beast Snagga Wurrboy
In this post, I’ll show you how to paint an Ork Wurrboy from the Kill Rig box set. I painted this model in 30 easy to follow steps. You’ll learn how I paint Beast Snagga Ork skin, dirty metals, power cables and more. This tutorial is perfect for any models from the Ork range. Find out how in this tutorial.
Tutorial: How to paint golden skin
In the final part of our “Skin Tone Week”, I’ll show you how to create a slightly more golden skin tone with the colours included in The Army Painter’s Skin Tone paint set, and in particular, I’ll go into the specifics of painting young and female faces.
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