Tutorial: How to perfectly apply decals to curved and irregular surfaces
In this tutorial, I share my procedure for making decals and transfer adhere perfectly to curved areas like Space Marine shoulder pads and irregular surfaces. It’s easy, and even if you hated decals before, my technique will change your mind.
Tutorial: How to paint Gallowdark Space Hulk terrain from Kill Team: Into the Dark
In this tutorial I show you how to paint the Gallowdark Space Hulk terrain system from Kill Team: Into the Dark in a heavily weathered cream colour scheme. Thanks to scale modelling techniques like zenithal highlights, oil paints and pigments, this is super fast and looks fantastic. It’s also easier than you think. So here’s how it works.
Tutorial: How to paint The Blooded Traitor Guard from Kill Team: Moroch
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to paint The Blooded, the Traitor Guard from Kill Team: Moroch (or Blackstone Fortress). The flexible paint scheme is easily adaptable to Chaos Cultists like the new Accursed Cultists that are up for preorder today, and to loyal Astra Militarum Guardsmen as well. I made use of a lot of the new Contrast and Shade paints to get a better feeling for them and sneaked in a few Scale75 Instant Colours as well, so this is gonna get interesting.
Tutorial: How to paint Alpha Legion armour (Heresy era)
Painting Horus Heresy era Alpha Legion without Contrast paints or airbrushing Tamiya Clear paints? In this tutorial I’ll show you an alternative way to paint the metallic bluegreen armour of the Alpha Legion during the Horus Heresy era which is both fast and easy to achieve.
Tutorial: How to paint Blood Angels Assault Intercessors
In this post, I’ll show you how to paint your Blood Angels Space Marines in a scheme reminiscent to their vintage orangey armoured 1980s cousins. Perfect for Horus Heresy or Primaris Blood Angels armies. In just 24 easy to follow stages, you’ll learn how I highlight red, paint neat hazard stripes and more. Find out how in this painting guide.
Tutorial: How to paint brass and verdigris
I got quite a few questions about how I painted the armour on my Grave Guard, so I wrote this little tutorial for you. Learn how to paint a reddish copper/brass tone with a subtle verdigris effect in this easy-to-follow painting guide.
Tutorial: How to paint grimdark Sons of Horus MkVI Space Marines
In this tutorial, I show you how to paint the MkVI Space Marines from the Age of Darkness box as “grimdark” Sons of Horus, with lots of weathering and battle damage. The whole paint scheme goes pretty fast with under 60 minutes for one model, and (almost) completely avoids edge highlights! And the best thing is that this tutorial can be adapted for any Legion or Chapter, you just have to change the colour of the armour. Let’s go.
Tutorial: How to paint a melta & flamer muzzle burn effect
In this tutorial I’ll show you how to paint a cool realistic heat bloom effect, perfect for all kinds of melta and flamer weapons found in Space Marines and Imperial Guard. It’s super easy and doesn’t require an airbrush, so what are you waiting for.
Tutorial: How to paint Eldar Wraithbone
People often ask me how I paint the warm grey wraithbone weapons and details on my Craftworld Iybraesil and Ulthwé models. It’s actually pretty simple and straight-forward – check out my tutorial for painting Eldar wraithbone here.
Tutorial: How to paint an easy power sword glow
Check out this tutorial and learn how to paint power swords by adding Contrast glazes and turquoise paint to the sword’s power node. You can recreate this easy glow effect in just five steps.
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