Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Kratos Heavy Tanks
Shaking the ground beneath their monstrous tracks, the Kratos Heavy Tank rumbles on to the blog today. Armed with a Kratos Battlecannon or a Melta blastgun these versatile tanks can take on Infantry, tanks or structures. Check out my Iron Warrior Kratos tanks, I’ll also share how I painted them with a free recipe card at the end of the article.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors (inc. painting guides)
On today’s blog post I share my tiny tanks and troops. The new Legions Imperialis box set features Legiones Astartes (Space Marines) and Solar Auxilia (Imperial Guard equivalent). This game is set during the Horus Heresy so because it’s one big civil war the forces are all the same on both sides. So you can take this box and make one big army or a Legiones Astartes army vs Solar Auxilia or even two armies with a mix of both factions. For me, I wanted an Iron Warriors force.
Showcase: Flesh-eater Courts Abhorrant Archregent and Charnel Throne (inc. painting guides)
Perched on his throne of lies, the Abhorrant Archregent rules all before him speaking his madness to all who lay eyes on him. Don’t worry though, you won’t suffer cannibalistic delusions if you read this blog post, instead you’ll be greeted with top quality photographs and painting guides for Flesh-eater Courts Charnel Throne and the Abhorrant Archregent.
Showcase: Underworlds Thricefold Discord Slaanesh Daemons (inc. painting guide)
Serving penitence in frozen catacombs, three petty Slaaneshi Heralds who can’t put aside their differences seek the ice-entombed souls for their redemption on the blog today. Put on your scarf and gloves as we take a look at these stunning models and I’ll share my painting guide with you.
Showcase: Warcry Hunter & Hunted Ogor Mawtribes Mawpit (inc. painting guide)
The Warcry team at Games Workshop has been crushing it with their Realm of Ghur themed terrain and models and the latest set Warcry Hunter & Hunted is no exception with an impressively large Sarlaac pit, sorry, I mean’t Mawpit included. Join me in today’s post where I share photos painting guides and take a look at the Mawpit’s Warcry rules.
Showcase: Harbinger of Decay
Check out this blog post featuring Garfy’s Maggotkin of Nurgle Harbinger of Decay. Garfy shares his paint recipes for this putrid prophet.
Showcase: Zoggrok Anvilsmasha, Klonk and Ardboy Big Boss
Sometimes you just need a change of pace. I haven’t painted Orruks since 2018 and Games Workshop kindly sent me some of the new Orruk models so I decided to paint them up, but what scheme? Well find out in this post!
Showcase: Nighthaunt The Headman’s Curse
Enter the grim and haunting Headman’s Curse, the new Nighthaunt warband for the Wyrdhollow season of Warhammer Underworlds. Amongst the cursed executioners of Nagash stands the Bearer of the Block, a sinister henchman of the Bearer of the Blade. This is the first model I painted of the Headman’s Curse, and in this post I’ll provide you with a complete painting guide for recreating my Nighthaunt scheme.e
Showcase: Warcry: Crypt of Blood Starter Set (inc. painting guides)
Are you new to Warcry? Is the new Crypt of Blood Starter Set worth getting? I’ll share my thoughts after having painted the entire set. I’ll also share painting guides for the entire contents of the box alongside some stunning cinematic photography.
Showcase: The Grymwatch (inc. painting guide)
Join me on a quest to track down a gallant bunch of elusive heroes so I can recruit them to the court of my Arch Regent. On today’s blog post, I share how I got my hands on the discontinued Grymwatch, some stunning photography and how I painted them.
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