Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Stormstrike Chariot
Hi Everyone, Tom again. This week I am going to show my Stormstrike Chariot – one of a pair I own for my growing Stormcast Eternals army.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Neave Blacktalon
Today’s post is a quick one with a couple of pics of my recently finished Neave Blacktalon decked out in her Primal Kings livery.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Lord Imperatant (incl. painting guides)
Today I’m sharing how I painted my Lord Imperatant with a painting guide and some lovely showcase pictures.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos
With the release of Dominion, I started a small set of Thunderstrike armour Stormcast Eternals – I was drawn to the nicely balanced proportions in particular and loved the dark pink of the Celestial Warbringers. Bastian Carthalos was a natural model to want to paint next! The different colour scheme may be controversial to some, but painting named characters differently to the lore can look great.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Stormdrake Guard
Today I take to the skies to invade the blog with my finished Stormdrake Guard pics. Games Workshop kindly sent over this box set for me to take a look at before it’s released.
Showcase: Krondys, Son of Dracothion
Today’s blog post is a special one, I got to paint Krondys, Son of Dracothion early for a Warhammer Community article and in today’s Tale of Painter’s post I’m going to share some size comparisons, different angles and my paint recipes.
Showcase: Bastian Cathalos Lord Commander Stormcast Eternals
Bastian Cartholos for me to paint up. I’ve had to put in some extra late night painting to get him done in time but here he is! He’s such an amazing model.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Praetors
Happy Dominion day everyone! Hopefully, you’ve had your Dominion sets delivered or maybe you’re on your way down to your local Games Workshop or independent stockist to pick up your copy (or two). Today on the blog I wanted to share my Praetors and talk…
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Vindictors
Today’s blog I share more cinematic shots of my Primal Kings Stormcast Vindictors from the Dominion set, plus close ups as well as explaining how I paint my yellow. Stay around til the end for the group shot.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Annihilators
Today on the blog, I talk about Sigmar’s shock troops, his wrath incarnate, the Annihilators! We’ll look at their background and their rules from the new Age of Sigmar set, Dominion. We’ll also have some top notch photos to look at.
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