Tutorials: How to paint The Hobbit miniatures series
In this blog entry, we recap over all the Hobbit painting tutorials that Tale of Painters has produced so far. Check them out after the jump. Bilbo Baggins tutorial link. Gandalf the Grey tutorial link Radaghast the Brown tutorial link Thorin Oakenshield tutorial link Dwalin tutorial link Balin tutorial…
Showcase: 12 Dwarf Grim Hammers from the Hobbit
It’s hammer time! These grim warriors are complete. Man the defences and prepare to be invaded by more pictures once you’ve jumped the parapet. It’s no secret, I love painting Hobbit models. The smaller scale made for a nice change to all the big…
WIP: Dwarf Grim Hammers from the Hobbit
I’m really getting my Hobbit mojo back and I’m really enjoying this large batch paint of Dwarf Grim Hammers. I’m really tempted to jump straight back in with another Hobbit project when I finish these. So far I’ve painted the Eagle box set, then the…
Tutorial: How to paint Dwarf Grim Hammers from the Hobbit
I’ve been itching to paint some more models from the Hobbit for a while now and I’m always being asked if I’m going to do more tutorials for the Hobbit. I thought I’d kill two goblins with one throwing axe and do both. Read on…
Showcase: Fell Wargs and The Desolation of Smaug Trailer
Gandalf and Bilbo surrounded by Fell Wargs… where’s a Great Eagle when you need one? Read on to see a group shot of the Fell Wargs, my thoughts on painting these evil beasts and the trailer for the next film After expanding my Good force…
Showcase: Two Great Eagles from the Hobbit.
One of the things I enjoy the most about the range Hobbit models is creating dynamic photos using a little bit of terrain and some mood lighting. What better way to share my recently finished Great Eagles then to set up a little treetop scene…
WIP: The Hobbit Great Eagle #2
A slight distraction from Necrons as I tie up loose ends. I’ve had this Eagle on my desk for a while now. The first Great Eagle I painted I took my time and painted each of the feathers individually with tiny lines, this time round…
Tutorial: How to paint Great Eagles from the Hobbit
I’m really pleased to bring you guys another Hobbit based tutorial. I had such an overwhelming response from creating a whooping 17 tutorials for the Hobbit boxed game, I really wanted to continue and paint some more Hobbit models. I absolutely love the dynamic posing…
Showcase: Great Eagle from the Hobbit
I’ve finished painting this stunningly, dynamic Great Eagle. Look at his claws, just ready to snatch up Warg or Orc. More pictures after the jump. I’ll be posting a tutorial on how I painted this wonderful model real soon, so if you’re interested check…
WIP: Great Eagle from the Hobbit
A quick WIP shot of one of the Eagles I’ve started work on. I’m documenting each stage and will pleased to share a tutorial soon. Great news for fans of the Hobbit or High Elf / Wood Elf players.