I’m running this blog now for several weeks and I hope you all are enjoying the read and the pretty pictures. It would be great if you would follow my blog with Google Friend Connect by clicking on the button in the right column if you haven’t yet. It is a great motivation to know there are people who care! And if you like my blog why don’t post the link in your favourite forum or on your own blog?
Also you might have noticed that my blog has some advertising banners by Google Ads. It would be neat if you would have a look at them and have a click from times to times. There are some great sponsors like Wayland Games. I don’t want to make a killing of it but each click earns me some cents I can hopefully invest back in the hobby and the blog 🙂 So if you’re browsing with a Adblocker please deactivate it for this page.
Cheers, Stahly
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