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Hey there, I’m still very busy with my new flat. The move itself was very chaotic, I’m very happy it’s over now. This is what my man cave looks like at the moment. On the right side you can see the Billy bookshelves from IKEA (without the glass doors yet), on the left side my two desks. The left one with the regular height will be for my PC, the right one is 20 cm higher than normal, which allows me to work while standing and to better rest my arms when painting miniatures. Also note the ceiling lamp which sports a daylight bulb for painting and photographing, however I’ll install a lamp with a regular bulb, too. Next up are the doors for the bookshelves, the wall shelves over my PC desk and the magnet boards over my hobby desk. I wonder how long it will take before I can pick up a brush again… stay tuned!