Hey guys, it’s been a bit quiet from me “thanks” to a combination of hot weather, outdoor activities and a slight lack of hobby time. But I’m chugging along with my Dark Elves team for our #taleoftuesdays project and also started working on this Vanguard Librarian (or Prognosticar as they are called within the Silver Skulls chapter) to bolster up my Silver Skulls Kill Team with an HQ choice. Silver Skulls wear dark metallic silver armour, so I thought it would be cool and a bit novel to paint the Librarian’s armour with a metallic blue as well. It’s a basecoat of Vallejo Mecha Colour Metallic Blue (the metal paints of this range are fantastic, they are acrylic based, super smooth, boast great coverage and work with both brush and airbrush), an all-over wash of 2:1 Nuln Oil Gloss and Drakenhof Nightshade plus a gentle drybrush of Metallic Blue and a bit of Vallejo Mecha Color Light Steel [Stormhost Silver].
I thought of painting his coat in a classic bone/linen colour instead of camouflage, but I’m not completely sure as the rules clearly state Vanguard Librarians have camo cloaks. What do you think – bone or camouflage?
Can you compare the Vallejo Mecha Color Metallics with Vallejo Model Air Metallics or Scale 75 Metallics?
My go to Metallics are from Scale 75 (they also have a great range of coloured Metallics)… But the blue on your armor looks really good…
The Mecha Color metallics are very similar to the Scale 75 metallics… also very fine pigments and similar consistency. If you like Scale 75 you will love Mecha Color metallics 🙂
Don't have Model Air metallics but a couple of Model Color and Game Color metallics. The gold and bronze paints are fine, but for silver Scale75 and Mecha Color are far superior. Smoother consistency and finer pigments.
Thanks for the comparsion…
The Model Air Metallics (especially the silvers) are way better than Game/Model Color. They are very similar to Scale 75 Silvers, a little bit thinner, but they cover really well with brush and airbrush.
I will definitely buy some of the Mecha Color Metallics.
What about a bone coloured camouflage Pattern…?
Maybe light Brown -> Bone -> Off White -> White… or something like this.
I think boney colour could work (matching the squads aquilla's) and you certainly aren't restricked to camo but to improve the look I'd say make the gloves at least a dark leather to break up the whiteness of the model! amazing work on the metallic blue!