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So I’m still working on Spiteclaw’s Swarm. I had these models in my pile of shame for quite a while, so it’s great to finally tick these off the list. I started with a test model, then completed the first batch with Skritch and Krrk, and I’m working on the remaining two Skaven next. Painting goes a bit slow, even though I’m very happy with the paint scheme, I’m somehow not feeling super excited to paint them, maybe because I’ve painted so many Skaven before. However, I’ll compile some of the more interesting parts of my Skaven paint scheme into tutorials, the first one will be up on Sunday, so stay tuned 🙂

Shout out to our patrons Chris and chaoticflanagansupport us on Patreon as we gather some funds for our new website, and make sure to leave a reaction, or a comment below if you have any questions.