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Quick snap from my desk showing the current progress of Azog’s Warband. You can see one Hunter Orc is completely finished. After I had painted the two fatality test pieces I painted one Hunter Orc on Warg to completion. This is the model that I will be using for two tutorials. A Warg tutorial and a Hunter Orc tutorial. Both of these tutorials have been written and scheduled. So watch this space! If you missed it, you can read a review of the Azog kit here.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Brilliant, I'm really looking forward to the finished tutorial!
Can't wait for the orc tutorials !!! I've just finished my grim hammers I painted following your tutorial and they look very nice. Thanks Garfy.
Would you like to send me pictures on our Facebook page? I'd love to post them on the Facebook page.
Ok Garf thanks! We have the colors that came in the goblin starter set, can you recommend any essential colors that we may need that dont come in the set?
Each tutorial lists the paints needed. I don't know what comes in the starter set so I'm afraid you'll have to cross reference my list with what you own.
Can't wait! Any chance of including details of the greener skin tone you used on one of the test pieces? Looks perfect for use on some old moria goblins i'm looking to paint..
The tutorial does have techniques for both skin tones. It's quite genius if I say so myself. You wait and see!
Brill Garfy!! If you wouldn't mind I could do with a bit of guidance and an old painter returning after 8 years and trying to teach my 8yr old son. We are painting the hobbit goblins atm and it seems to be going ok for his first time to be honest but we have the goblin king up next and I have no idea what the best colors are to go with, techniques to use ect ect.
My son wants to go to Nottingham games workshop in October for a battle and I want them to be of a decent standard.
My email is
Nathan, I painted my Goblin King in exactly the same way as my Goblins. You can see all the tutorials I've produced here.
Be sure to phone Warhammer World in advance and book their awesome Goblin Town table. It's what I'm playing on in February.
I knew it would be worth waiting for. Love it. The skin tones are a little more muted compared to the GW versions and I think that's a good thing.