If you’ve been following my Armies on Parade project you’ll know I won my local Games Workshop’s competition. It was close though, I was tied for first place and someone had to cast the deciding vote. Andy’s impressive Iron Hand’s collection collected the Silver medal. Andy is top bloke and a good friend and I really wanted to share his amazing collection with everyone. More after the jump.
Hi everyone! First & foremost, Garfy, a truly awesome display & a very worthy winner of our AoP competition – my total congrats mate!!!
This has been the first major competition I’ve entered & I have to be honest I wasn’t expecting anything, there were numerous entries & they all looked superb, I was chuffed to bits to even receive a medal let alone receive silver!!
My Iron Hands army has been a great project, & will continue to grow! I love the models, especially the MKIII squads & the Immortals, they are packed with fantastic cybernetic details, which means that even though the paint scheme (black & iron) is quite straight forwards, there are loads of bits to pick out. I also love the cold sinister look that they have.
The Immortals presented the biggest challenge, the way the kits go together meant they were very limited in the way I could pose them, achieving even minor variations with the poses required me to do sculpting work, which I have never really tackled, however it was really enjoyable to do & I think they turned out ok!
Being self critical, I know that the major flaw with my army was the basing & detailing – A lot of the models had different base styles which didn’t match the board at all & there were a lot scopes & sensors that I missed, I need to focus on keeping everything coherent (& not changing my mind halfway through!) & making sure everything is done one one thing before moving on – plenty of things to improve on & learn from.
I’m looking forwards to next year already!
Fantastic looking army 🙂
I really like your army, the painting is well done. Probably what I like most about this army/post is the final paragraph, as it reminds me of my own army, missing little bits like the finished off scopes. Maybe I like that because it shows we are human and either forget or pass over things until our skill(or confidence) level is high enough to attempt it.
Garfy, it's fantastic to have my models shown on ToP, I'm honored mate! There is so much great quality art work here – this is always my 1st stop if I need inspiration or motivation – which is always needed in vast quantities!
Your tutorials are superb as well, & have massively helped me improve my painting + also learning new techniques (apart from sword painting technique – still need to master that one!!!!).
Thank you to everyone who takes the time to make this blog as great as it is, keep up the amazing work!!!!