Tale of Painters wants you! Do you have a nice army or collection you would like to share on Tale of Painters? Ever think about becoming a semi-regular guest poster or adding your name to the full time contributors of this illustrious blog? Then read on to find out more!
Tale of Painters is looking for like-minded people who would like to contribute to our blog. You could be a one-time guest poster sharing your beautiful models, or a cool tutorial or review you’ve written. Or you could pen a couple of posts on a semi-regular basis, nice and easy without pressure. Or maybe you feel dedicated to apply for a spot as a regular member on Tale of Painters. Either way – we are curious to get to know you!
Tale of Painters is dedicated to bringing the best model collections and armies to the internet. We have a large audience and over 10,000 page impressions a day. Our members have been featured in White Dwarf multiple times and we are well-known in the White Dwarf team and GW Design Studio.
The most important points if you would like to contribute:
- Crisp, well-lit pictures of models on a seamless white background.
- High level of painting (doesn’t mean competition level painting – there are other great websites for that!).
- Being fluent in English and having a positive attitude towards the hobby.
- Self motivation.
It’s a good idea to have a look through our showcase posts – if you can match the quality both in painting and photography, you should definitely apply!
Send us an email to richard.van.skinny(at)gmail.com or drop a link to your gallery in the comments!
Becoming a regular member
In addition to guest posters, we would also like to expand our team of regular members. You need to bring all of the above, plus:
- Dedication and reliability. We’d expect 2 posts a week.
- Having enough time for the hobby and painting regularly (several times a week).
- Being able to stick to your projects and to get stuff done.
- Bonus points for bringing new armies to the blog, for Horus Heresy models, for having a distinctive paint style, for well executed paint schemes and conversions, for being a female painter (just kidding ;), for being obsessed with toy soldiers and for the interest in creating tutorials and/or writing reviews.
If you think you might fit the bill, send an email to richard.van.skinny(at)gmail.com or drop a link to your gallery in the comments!
Please note:
- We’re fine with commission/professional painters, as long as the enjoyment of models comes first and advertising your services second.
- We’re a blog about painting and modelling, so we’re not interested in tactic articles or gaming reports.
- Games Workshop models only (use of third party bits is fine).
What’s in it for you?
If you become a full-time contributor, you might occasionally be offered products to review from our sponsors which you will get to keep. There are no wages, so all articles you produce are voluntary. The main benefit of joining Tale of Painters is the stage. From this platform you can share your hobby and reach a large audience. Great if you’re a commission painter or a hobbyist who just loves sharing what they’re doing. The audience is also an extremely good resource for ideas and tips.
Don’t wait – apply now!
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To be honest, whilst I might not agree with GW working practices, or current trend ofr game rules etc. I still think that they produce some very fine models that are fun and interesting to build and paint! This really shouldn't be called into question whether or not you feel that GW are moving in a direction you don't agree with. There is no reason why your wargaming hobby can't be enjoyed none-the-less.
Nice to see some expansion. Add a little variety, give some people a chance to show their talent. Good move for you guys!
First of all thanks for extending this invite out to all those who are interested =) . I'll be doing my best to take good photos of my existing models and send them into you guys as soon as possible.
I have also put my hat into the ring. Email sent Stahly.
Thanks for all the applications, both here and via mail. Keep 'em coming!
It will take a while to go through all of them, so please be patient!
Hi there
my name is Shaun, I believe Garfy is aware of my Fb page https://www.facebook.com/ShaunsModelPainting
I have been painting GW models since I opened my copy of advanced heroquest as a nipper.I took a break during the 'grown up' years of wedding bells/crying babies, but now im painting more than ever, and loving it!
I do admit to not playing as much as I used to (terrible general!) but GW give chaps like me an amazing range of models to lovingly apply paint to. Sure im not the only one who gets a buzz bringing a grey plastic mini to life.
my particular love is painting the big stuff, tanks/flyers etc. where I get to have a little airbrush fun and experiment with weathering techniques.
well, that's enough of me wanging on.
I would love to get involved somehow, let me know
I'm going to email you with hope of becoming a semi regular contributor, I just need to take some good pictures – need to figure out how to set up a light box in student accomodation 😉
By the way, I have a blog with gallery, but I still need to update a few of the pictures. Linky: http://nelsonminiatures.weebly.com/
Just threw my hat in the ring with an email, my Flickr gallery link is:
for those interested.
I'm with Garfy by the way, far too many grumpy folks on the internet backwaters.
We need a bit more positivity in this hobby, why be involved if you don't enjoy it? 😉
Well said!
As much as like the idea of more contributors on this blog (or any blog), I can't help think that the "GW only" rule might put off a few contributers considering the current reputation of the company.
Whats wrong with the current reputation of the company to put people off from showing the models that they paint?
There is an internet persona of GW that a lot of people like to jump on the band wagon. These people don't tend to actually be active members of the hobby because "it's not like the good old days" or "it's too expensive". People of this mindset shouldn't apply, so I'm not bothered if it puts them off. As Stahly wrote the person needs to have a positive attitude and promote this blog and the hobby.
Someone who moans and whinges on the internet will not get the position.
I'm not really sure TBH. I just know of a lot of active members of this hobby who don't usually work with GW and it feels like you don't want them because they preferred it when GW worked for their fans rather than the shareholders..
Cant say when I'm painting GW/FW models or playing 40K etc that I actually worry about shareholders. The game is still great as are the models. I think GW still give a lot to the fans of the game. I think model wise and rules this year have been top notch.
"I paint 40K-inspired portraits on buttons and feel like you are disregarding a huge portion of the miniature painting world by not wanting me to apply." You GW haters are silly.
I just feel this blog would be better if it had something for anyone with an interest in miniatures other than just Warhammer.
Hugs n kisses.
I don't think better is the right word. It would have more appeal to a bigger audience, but I don't think that makes it better. Concentrating on one area and doing it the very best you can is better then diluting a subject for the masses.
Look at some of the bigger blogs that post about all genres. I don't think their content is nearly as good as ours. They use google images to source their pictures while ours are what we create.
We'll never please everyone, but the people who are interested will get the very best content possible.
That's a pretty extreme accusation Garfy. Do you have any examples of these google imaging blogs you're talk about?
It's not an accusation. One blog which I will not name has used my images that were stolen from here via google on two separate occasions without my permission.
You've missed my point.
So what point are you trying to make exactly, pray tell?
In layman terms my point is; it's quality not quantity.
I think its time to remove the Anonymous option for posting 🙂
I was talking about variety, not quantity. This recruitment scheme will increase the latter on this blog no matter what models the new members are painting.
This discussion is pointless, please stop it. We're a blog about GW models, because that's what were interested in, what we personally collect and what we do best.
There are other blogs, websites or magazines which deal with other models or game systems, e.g. Sigur's private blog is a good starting point: http://www.battlebrushstudios.com
But – why have you no interest in non-GW miniatures. And how do you are you better at doing GW? You can use the exact same painting techniques no matter who made the miniature.
I agree with T.O.P., the argument is pointless, other than to argue your point of view. I think the original post was pretty specific at what they were looking for. This is a blog for and of G.W., if you don't prefer these types of figures or have a beef with G.W., then take that argument somewhere else. I understand your point of view, but it sounds like it's not needed here, nor wanted. I've been away from table-top gaming for a while, found this blog and love it! I've had other interests other than G.W. – X-wing, Battletech, Firestorm Armada, but I don't feel the need to question other peoples preferences. If your trying to incite an argument or prove your point of view, take it somewhere else. What does it matter if some people have not only the talent to paint these figures to high standards, but they have a love of the G.W. universe. It's their interest. Pretty simple. Yeah, get rid of Anonymous postings. Sign up if you want to be heard.
wouldn't mind contributing on a semi-regular basis now and again, here's my CMoN gallery
Emailed you folks. 🙂
Mark Hawkins