Hello everybody, this is my first post here on Tale of Painters and I would like to present you some of my Orks from last year’s „Armies on Parade“ project.
About me: I am Thilo aka Banzai1000, I am a painter, not a player and very much into the AoP business since the beginning of it. I am a three times local gold medal winner and achieved two finalist pins on Golden Demon. If you are interested, click to find out more…
With the Warboss above I achieved a finalist pin on Golden Demon.
This model is converted from an original first edition Landraider from GW and not from an actual Forge World model.
Massive Orc Killburster Tank from FW. Really heavy…..
Ork’s on the loose… I created six bikes which I converted from the „Black Reach“ Killacopters.
Also the trike was converted from a Killacopta with parts from the truck.
Here a close up from one of the bikes.
I hope you enjoyed my Ork collection, next time I’m going to share my progress on my Armies on Parady entry for this year… so stay tuned!
Are these on Instagram?
Awesome Orkz! Super inspiring stuff. Thanks for sharing Banzai!
Hi Jon. I used GW colour range. As basecolor i used Averland Sunset. For the Highlights mix in Flashgizz Yellow (2x) then Ushabti Bone (2x). For the shaded areas i used Averland Sunset mixed with Fire Dragon Bright (1x) then Blazing Orange (1x) and Rhinox Hide(1x). Always take water into the mix and work in thin layers. All in all 7 layers should do. You have to make your own experience with the mixes to smoothen the colours…. All the best.
Really loving those, I'm just starting a Bad Moon army, and I love your yellows, would you mind sharing your recipe please?
Great looking army 🙂
I need a new mandible! Compliments!
Awesome orks 😀
Just one question what is AoP?
Hello Nakshak. First, thx for the comment. AoP is GW's yearly "Armies on Parade" contest held in every GW store. Paint an army and put it on a display board. On parade day (this year will be the 24th october) audience will vote for the best army on display in the store. Check out in your local store…..
Great conversions and painting. Bravo!
Wow what a fantastic work!!
Awesome Stuff!!!! love it!!
Dude this could not be more in the spirit of what collecting Orks is about! Characterful and wacky converted vehicles and fantastic paint jobs. Makes me think back to playing GorkaMorka with my bro when we were kids. Great work 🙂
Whoa! These are seriously cool!