Today’s blog post is a special one, I got to paint Krondys, Son of Dracothion early for a Warhammer Community article and in today’s Tale of Painter’s post I’m going to share some size comparisons, different angles and my paint recipes.

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Holy moly! Would you look at the size of that thing. Krondys, Son of Dracothion is a brand new plastic Dragon kit from Games Workshop and I was lucky enough to be sent one early to paint for a Warhammer Community article. I chose the Krondys build, but there is an optional assembly in the kit where you can build Karazai the Scarred.

When it came to deciding on what colours to paint my Krondys, I knew I wanted him to fit with my Primal Kings’ lore. The Primal Kings are situated in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts, that helped me decide that I wanted a forest dragon scheme.

Forest Dragon paint Scheme

Bone Wings and Skin

Light Green Skin

Dark Green Scales

When I painted my Zombie Dragon, I thought the 130mm base was huge and sparse, Krondys comes with a whopping 160mm base with a huge chunk of ruined masonry in the middle. There was still a few empty areas on the base so I filled those with plasticard tiles and painted them in my sandstone ruins scheme.

A useful guide for decorating terrain and model bases with flagstone flooring.
Quick and easy paint guide for sandstone buildings.
And I thought Bastian was a big lad!
Remember when the plastic Chimera was a big kit?
What a match up! Who would win?
Here’s a screenshot of Krondys on the Warhammer Community site. check it out as well as all the talented painter’s versions here

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay