I’ve rounded up all the Cursed City painting tutorial links and some cinematic shots into this single blog post to make it easier to find the one you need so make sure you bookmark this page if you’re working on your set.

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Out of the wilderness foul creatures of death flock to the streets of Ulfenkarn.
Lit by the pale moon light a Vargskyr spins round suddenly as it catches the scent of its prey.
Illuminated by the flames Emelda Braskov and her compatriots prepare to sell their souls dearly as they’re ambushed.
Jelson Darrock leads Cleona Zeitengale and Octren Glimscry into a Vyrkos Blood-born nest.
All 8 of the intrepid heroes exploring the streets of Ulfenkarn
Radukar and his Court hoping to stop all who oppose them.
Diregoyles, Gnawbone strays and objective markers.

Here are all 17 tutorials I’ve produced enabling you to paint everything in the Cursed City boxset or your Soulblight Gravelord models.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial series. If so, leave a comment or reaction below, and if you got any questions, leave them here so I can answer them for you. If you have any links to your Cursed City models leave them in the comments also, I’d love to see them.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay