I painted the three Easy to Build Necron Warriors on Warhammer 40,000: Imperium issue 2, and along with my test models, completed my first Fire Team for my Necron Kill Team. More pictures in this post.

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The first two Necron Warriors are armed with Gauss Flayers and are from my Indomitus box. I’ve heard that Gauss Reapers are the preferred weapons in Warhammer 40k games, but in Kill Team they only have a range of 6 inches / 1 pentagon. That’s why the three models from the second issue of Warhammer 40,000: Imperium were perfect to add some Warriors with Gauss Flayers to my Fire Team, which have an unlimited range in Kill Team. This way I can assemble my remaining Warriors with Reapers to make a legal squad for 40k.

Cinematic shot of five Necron Warriors painted by Stahly

To add some variation to the models, I used some faces (face masks?) from the regular Warrior sprue. I painted them just like my test models, you can find the list of colours here, there is also a complete step-by-step tutorial on Patreon.

Fire Team of five Necron Warriors painted by Stahly

If you want to know how I painted the glow effects, check out this tutorial, thanks to Nihilakh Oxide it’s pretty easy:

For my next Fire Team I want to paint some Immortals, and use the Royal Warden from Imperium Issue 1 as the leader. I’m looking forward to seeing when the Immortals will be in the Imperium collection. You can find our review of Imperium including all included kits here.

I hope you like my Necron Warriors. Also be sure to check out Garfy’s version here. Have you used the Necrons in the new edition of Kill Team? Write it in the comments and leave a reaction.