In June this year, we planned a day full of Warhammer, and our buddy Dunk joined in as well. We decided on a multiplayer game of Warcry so that we could all play simultaneously. I combed through my collection and assembled a warband of Soulblight Gravelords, while Garfy commanded Stormcast and Dunk led Chaos Legionaires. You can find pictures of all our warbands and our game in this showcase post.
Here’s my entire Warcry warband lined up. I requisitioned them from my small but steadily growing Soulblight Gravelords contingent, which I’ve painted to match my purple-themed Nighthaunt. The warband is a mix of old Skeleton Warriors and Grave Guard, which I still love, along with some newer models like the Vargskyr and Watch Captain Halgrim (whom I use as a Wight King) from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, plus a limited-edition Vampire Lord. The Skeleton Warriors serve as speed bumps, the Vampire Lord and Vargskyr are my muscle, and the Grave Guard play a supporting role.
I recently painted the Vargskyr, more pictures here. Feel free to use our search function if you want more pictures of the individual models, they’re all on the blog. You can find out how I painted the turquoise wight blades in this tutorial:
Garfy’s Stormcast and Chaos Legionaries
Garfy selected a mix of the new Stormcast Eternals from Skaventide, which he’d just freshly painted, for his warband. Our buddy and guest poster Dunk is a fantastic painter (follow him here on Instagram), but unfortunately, he didn’t have his own warband. So, Garfy lent him his Chaos Legionaires, which you can admire here:
With everything ready for our planned Warcry afternoon, I headed to London to meet the two at the start of July 2024.
Triumph and Treachery
We gathered at the Bad Moon Café in Southwark and engaged in a three-player multiplayer game. We played “King of the Tower” from the current Warcry: Heart of Ghur core book (review here).
Dunk’s Legionaires were the first to reach the Skull Altar in the centre of the battlefield, but I sent my Vargskyr (which I played as a Vargheist) to clear the way. I deployed my Skeleton Warriors to tie up Garfy’s Stormcast on the left side of the board while he had to fight his way through the Legionaries on the other side. In round 2, my Vampire Lord managed to take down Garfy’s Lord-Veritant with the help of my Grave Guard, further slowing the Stormcast advance. The Vargskyr/Vargheist fell, but the tower was cleared, allowing my Vampire Lord to fly to the top in round 3 and defend it against Garfy’s Gryph-hound and Prosecutor.
Overall, it was a highly enjoyable game with lots of laughter and close dice rolls. It was the first Warcry match for both Dunk and me, but I had prepared well and was able to make the most of my abilities. It certainly helped that the Soulblight Gravelords are considered one of the strongest warbands. Warcry is the perfect beer-and-pretzels game, the rule set is slim and intuitive while the twist and battleplan cards make every game a fresh experience.
After Dunkhad to leave, Garfy and I ended the day with a quick two-player game. The mission objective was to slay more points in enemy models per round, but Garfy’s Stormcast, with their high wounds and strong defence values, proved too tough, and I had to concede defeat, losing 2 to 1.
The game has really fired me up, and now I want to finish painting my terrain from the original Warcry starter box. I’ve come up with a new colour scheme that I’ll soon be sharing with you all here on Tale of Painters. I was supposed to be painting a Spearhead instead… well, all in good time 🙂
Feel free to leave a reaction, or drop a comment below, I’m also happy to answer any questions on our friendly hobby Discord server. Thanks a lot, and happy hobbying!
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