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Hey all, today I thought I’d show a Kill Team group of Tau Sa’Cea Stealth Suits.
I painted these models up a few years ago as a commission and I want to paint a similar group for myself. I had my first Kill Team game last weekend at Dark Sphere London and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. So much so that I picked up the Kill Team box set with the rules, Tau and Space Marines models. My first team that I played with was Chaos Marines versus Necrons. I lost. But hey thats the fun of the game. What are your thoughts on Kill Team and would you consider a group of Tau Stealth Suits as a decent group?
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Saw these in White Dwarf magazine a year ago. Stunning and understand why you would want them yourself. Go for it. Tau Stealth are amazing.
Thanks for that!! So would you you say they would be more effective than my x10 Chaos Marines?
I've not played kill team, but in my "don't be that dick Tau player" list I use them and they put out lots of shots. Fusion blasters would potentially be great with a tank hunter specialist I bet too! 🙂