
Second Guardian Defenders squad finished!

As promised on Saturday, here is the Weapon platform and its operator. These are the last remaining models of the second Guardian squad (I’m going to use my Bonesinger as a Spiritseer but maybe I will paint a regular Warlock for them at a later...

A great autograph

Siam-Tiger from Brückenkopf was visiting several miniature companies in and around Nottingham last week and look what he brought me: A great autograph from one of my favourite creatives. Can you guess whose signature it is?

Incoming: I bought even more Skaven stuff…

So my shopping spree comes to an end temporarily. I got an Fire Prism for my Eldar, two boxes of Clanrats, Stormvermin, a Doom Wheel, modular regiment bases, a can of Chaos Black primer, a 200 ml pot of Vallejo Sepia Shade wash (which I...
40k, Showcase

Shot of my whole Ultramarines army

As promised on Tuesday, I took a picture of my Ultramarines as well. Unfortunately there are a lot of shadows, but it is a bit sharper than the last army shot I took and you can see recent additions like the Shotgun Scouts or the...
40k, Showcase

Saim-Hann army shot

I borrowed a SLR from a friend as I had to take some pictures for a real life project. While I had the setup, I took some better full army shots of my Eldar and Ultramarines. There are some nasty shadows and I am by...
Fantasy - The Old World

High Elves Seaguard WIP

I’m painting this Lothern Seaguard champion for a tutorial that will be out early next week. I think it’s a quite unique colour scheme for High Elves and I like it really much. Almost every colour used has at least a hint of yellow in...