
WIP: Ultramarine Primaris Space Marine Intercessor

Quick break from Shadespire, I thought I’d work on a single Ultramarine for a change of pace. I usually batch paint these but I fancied just painting a single model. I’m not sure if it’s the paint handle (currently in stock) or if it is because I’m…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Daemons of Tzeentch by Silvernome

Hello everyone, Silvernome here and today I’m going to share with you the first part of my Forces of Change: Tzeentch Daemons When building out my Death Guard army I loved the flexibility that the daemons added when playing the game. I wanted to keep…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Vindicator

Before I started working on another Tactical Squad, I repainted a third Rhino-pattern tank of mine: a Vindicator. Check out all the angles and see what I changed after the jump. Here is what the vehicle looked like before: As you can see, I added…

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WIP: Aeldari Harlequins

Heyhey, I’m currently working on a Troupe of 6 fancy Harlequins! First time I’ve had the new-ish plastic Harlequins in hand. What a great kit that is. These are just a one-off warband for Shadow War:Armageddon (and actually will see action in a demo game…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Aeldari Harlequins Masque by Uruk

Hello everyone, it’s Uruk again with a fresh batch of Aeldari/Eldar Harlequins, including Skyweavers and a Starweaver! Take a look inside. Today I’m showcasing the rest of my Harlequin force based on the Death Masque box set I build as an allied detachment for Kabal…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Goff Stompa by Silvernome

Hello Tale of Painter readers, my name is Jason Krieger (silvernome) and I’m a part of the Brookhammer crew here in NYC along with ComradeQuiche. I’ve been following this site for quite awhile so I’m beyond excited to start sharing some of my painted minis…

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