
WIP: Dark Eldar Wracks #4

Indeed, I’m still working on batch two. These Wracks take freaking ages to paint – so many different textures. This is the other side of Citadel Miniatures getting more and more detailed – painting takes longer and longer, too. These models are close to being…

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WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Painting #4

Being done with the inside details of the model (well, almost), I’m proceeding to the armoured bits. Here are a few samples of what I’m working on at the moment. The titan will be part of Legio Crucius, just like the Warhound I did a…

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WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Painting #2

Traditionally I start painting titans from the inside out, meaning I do the interior first and then work on the outsides. In the picture above you can see the insides of the frontal part of the main body and the cockpit in the head with…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Space Wolves by Banzai1000

Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some Space Wolves I painted a while ago. Canis, Terminators and Björn after the jump, so click and enjoy… The Wolf Priest above is made from the regular Chaplain in Terminator Armour. I gave him some “accessoires” from the Space…

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WIP: Dark Eldar Wracks #3

Quick update on the second batch of Wracks. This time, I try to paint more efficiently, so I started laying down all the basecoats and did all the drybrushing first. So hopefully less paint spilling later. At the moment, I’m working on the armour. What…

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40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to weather vehicles

After pain-stakingly painting the Land Raider in the part one of this two part tutorial, we’re now going to wreck that immaculate paint job and dirty the old girl up using some simple techniques with detailed explanations. More after the jump.  Introduction I use a…

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WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Painting #1

Starting out with the little things, here’s the Techpriest. Just a quick paintjob, as he’ll be glued into the back compartment of the titan, working on some console with the back turned to the viewer, so this is the best look anyone will ever get…

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WIP: Dark Eldar Wracks #2

Whew, the first batch of Wracks is done. These definately took a while. I’ve had a hobby low when I had to paint all those syringes and stuff that is sticking out from their humps, what a time-sink. I even needed taking two days off…

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