40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to Paint Daemonettes

As promised my Daemonette tutorial! I kind of sticked to the studio paintjob, but wanted to add a little more contrast. I made the hair and the robes more pink because what would Slaanesh be without pink? Also I added a little bit of turqouise…

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40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to paint Sanguinary Guard

Cheers, as promised the tutorial about how I painted my Sanguinary Guard. As in my popular Blood Angel tutorial, I paint the armour in a easy techniques like drybrushing and washing and finish off the model by crisp detail work. 1. Prime the model with…

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Tutorial: How to paint Skeleton Warriors

Cheers, another easy step by step tutorial, this time a Skeleton Warrior from the Vampire Counts range. Finishing the model took only about 70 minutes, which allows you to field decent painted regiments in a reasonable amount of time. 1. Prime the model with Skeleton…

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Tutorial: How to paint Blood Angels

Cheers, this is an Blood Angels step by step tutorial that focuses on easy techniques like washing, drybrushing and layering to create a great gaming model in a reasonable amount of time. 1. Prime the model with Army Painter Pure Red spray. Hit areas not…

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Tutorial: How to paint Beastmen Ungors

Cheers, another tutorial suited for quick and effective army painting that yet creates a stunning appereance on the table. The colour scheme is mainly based on the new studio army, however I chose to use a more brownish, beastly looking palette for the skin. 1….

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40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: Vostroyans

This is a comprehensive tutorial of how I painted my squad of Vostroyans including all colours I used. Thought it might be useful for those who like my paint scheme. 1. Prime the mini black. Paint the texture of the sand Charadon Granite, drybrush with…

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