
Tutorial: Paint stripping models in 20 minutes

In this tutorial, I will share a secret with you. You can go on any hobby forum and guaranteed you’ll see the question “How do you strip paint from models?”. Well, look no further, once you’ve tried the Garfy method you’ll be amazed at how…

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40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: Ork / Orc Skin

Hi and welcome to the 2012 new year’s edition of Sigur’s Step-by-Step Painting Guide article. I usually do tutorial articles every six months, one in summer, one around new year. The subject of this article is painting a Space Ork boy. The main reason for…

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Tutorial: Painted-on looking Decals

Hey there! A lot of people don’t like working with decals. Bubbles or the satin sheen make them often look like a foreign matter on your models. However with the right tools it’s not very hard to acchieve a nice painted-on look, blending your transfer…

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