Tutorial: Vostroyans
This is a comprehensive tutorial of how I painted my squad of Vostroyans including all colours I used. Thought it might be useful for those who like my paint scheme. 1. Prime the mini black. Paint the texture of the sand Charadon Granite, drybrush with…
How to tackle red and yellow over a black basecoat
A lot of painters have difficulties painting bright reds and yellows over a black basecoat. Both colours tend to have a weak pigment regardless of the paint manufacturer. This means you will need a lot of layers for an opaque coat, which is both time…
Ultramarines: Tutorial and Colour Recipes
Unfortunately I don’t have step by step pictures, but for those interested in how I painted my army and which colours I used, I’ve got this comprehensive list for you. Prime black. Blue Armour – basecoat Mordian Blue, blackline VGC Black Ink, highlight Ultramarines Blue…
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