40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Vanguard Suppressors

Ah the Suppressors. Generally regarded as a silly looking unit. My first impression was something very similar, I thought they looked odd floating in mid air while trying to aim such a long weapon. What do I think of them now? Well after the jump…

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WIP: Dark Angel Primaris Sergeants

You recently saw my Gravis Captain and this post is about the other three marines that came with issue 29 of Conquest. After the jump I tell you why these models feel odd. I’m a little weirded out batch painting three models that don’t belong…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Captain in Gravis Armour

Issue 29 of Conquest includes four Primaris models, one of which is the Captain in Gravis armour from the Dark Imperium boxed game. More images and my thoughts after the jump. My Captain has had a head swap. The new bonce is from the Dark…

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40k, Editorial

Chat: Conquest Issues: 23 – 26

Emerging from the smoke, It’s time for my monthly Conquest recap where I share with you guys how I got on, what I enjoyed and what I’m looking forward to next month. Check it out after the jump.  Do you like the first picture? I’ve…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angels Redemptor Dreadnought

I’m in a weird place at the moment with my Conquest project. I’m actually keeping up with the releases really well, but I’m getting behind with the blogging side of things. To get things back on track I’m sharing the Redemptor Dreadnought today, which I…

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WIP: Dark Angel Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

I spent a whole week of evenings hand painting this armour. Glazing and glazing Warpstone Glow over Caliban Green was very tedious. Spending so long with this model I had a lot of time to think. I was considering the aesthetic of this scheme. Technically…

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WIP: Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant

This model is pretty cool because I bought him in Warhammer World last month. I hadn’t been to Warhammer World for a couple of years and it’s so good. We spent a good couple of hours in the exhibition area and had lunch in Bugman’s…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Primaris Reivers

Issue 21 of Conquest included another three Reivers. I swapped some of the arms around with the multipart Reivers to make these models look a little different but essentially at their core they’re still the same models from Conquest. After the jump you can see…

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WIP: Primaris Dark Angel Reivers

Here’s a little WIP shot of three Reivers I’ve got going on at the moment. These are from Issue 21 of the  Conquest Magazine Subscription. Hoping to have these finished by the end of the week which should leave me with a week to spare…

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