WIP: Ork Kill Bursta Tanks
Hey all and hope you are preparing or already have started a well earned Christmas holidays break. Today I’m showing a couple of Forge World Ork Kill Bursta tanks. Not certain why these are suddenly so popular but I have been asked to paint a…
Showcase: Dark Eldar Cronos
Hey all, as a finale of my showing of a recent Dark Eldar army that I painted for a friend I thought I’d show some Cronos models that I painted several years ago. The Cronos models along with the Imperial Guard Sentinels are some of…
Showcase: Dark Eldar Scourges
Hey all, hope you had a great Halloween. Today I thought I’d show some Dark Eldar Scourges that I painted for a friends army. I only had to paint five of these, but I really enjoyed working on them. The models themselves are quite fragile…
Showcase: Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors
Hey all, today I want to show some Dark Eldar Kabalite Warriors. Or as they are now called on the GW site Drukari Kabalite Warriors 🙂 These models have been painted up for a friend of mines army and it has twenty Kabalite Warriors. The…
Showcase: Dark Eldar Raider
Hey guys ThirdEyeNuke here with a showcase of a Dark Eldar Raider that is part of an army that I painted for a friend. I really love the model but it was so fiddly as I painted it in parts to avoid breakage and to…
Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarian Ruststalkers and Tech-Priest Dominus
Hey all, it that time of year when the leafs are falling, darker nights and Halloween is approaching. My faviourite time of year. Today I thought I’d show some old Adeptus Mechanicus models that I painted up. The Adeptus Mechanicus have always been one of…
Showcase: Ork Mek Boss Buzzgob
Hey all, today I thought I’d show an Ork Mek Boss Buzzgob. The model is by Forge World and came out quite a few years ago. Its a three part figure set with Buzzgob and two Grot’elpers. I love this set as it’s full of…
Showcase: UItramarines Hunter
Quick post today with a Ultramarines Hunter vehicle. I really enjoyed working on this as its quite a simple model compared to a lot of the more detailed models coming out these days. It was refreshing break. I used a lot of the techniques for…
WIP: Dark Eldar Raider
Hey all, today I’m showing a WIP of a Dark Eldar Raider. This is part of a small Dark Eldar army that I am working on. The colours chosen for this army are cold blue and royal purple. I think its a good combination. What…
Showcase: Dark Angels Nephilim Jetfighter
Hey all, today I want to show a Dark Angels Nephilim Jetfighter. The model is painted starting with a basecoat of black, this is then airbrushed with Vallejo Nato black from above and areas of interest. I then used weathering powders to cover the model…
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