Chat: ThirdEyeNukes Choice of Airbrushes #2: The Iwata Custom Micron CM-C Plus
Hey all, todays post is part two talking about my airbrushes of choice with that being my favourite one the Iwata CM-C Plus. The Iwata CM-C Plus is a incredible airbrush and probably the one I use the most. The overall feel and look is…
Chat: ThirdEyeNukes Choice of Airbrushes #1: The Badger Patriot 105
Hey all, today I thought I’d do something a little different and write a series about the airbrushes that I use for the next six posts. In no particular order I will start with the Badger Patriot 105. First off airbrushes are a wonderful tool….
Showcase: Astra Militarum Hydra
Hey all, today for a change I thought I’d show something that my wife painted. A Astra Militarum Hydra. You may remember her from the videos from a while ago doing tutorials. Sadly she had to put the videos on hold due to work commitments,…
WIP: Blood Bowl Orc Teams Biggest Fan And Blitzer
Hey all, a real quick post today. A couple of old Orc models. Both models are part of a commission for a Orc Blood Bowl Team. This is something I have been working on and off for about 4 weeks now. Pretty much most of…
WIP: Blood Bowl Orc Team Goblins and Troll
Hey all, on my last post I showed the beginnings of a Blood Bowl Orc team. Today I’m showing the mid workings of a small group of Goblins and a Troll that are part of the Orc team. The models in the photos are quite…
WIP: Blood Bowl Orc Team
Hey all, I need some sunglasses. Today I thought I’d show a Orc Bowl team that I am working on. I was asked to paint it mainly red and yellow, but had to introduce a more neutral grey/blue into the mix totry and tone things…
Showcase: Orruks Colossal Squig
Hey all and hope your Monday is going well. Today I thought I’d show a Forge World Colossal Squig that I painted quite a few years ago. I’m sure it was from around 4 or 5 years, which is quite a long time when you…
Showcase: Legio Custodes Tribune Ixion Hale
Hey all, this is my finished Legio Custode Tribune Ixion Hale that I picked up from Forge World from Salute 2017. I painted Ixion Hale over a couple of nights as a break between larger projects. He is the first smaller Legio Custodes model that…
Event Report: London Salute 2017
Hey all, on Saturday I went to my third Salute show that is held annually in London. The main reason I went was to pick up some Forge World event models that I have wanted to paint for quite some time. This year was great…
WIP: Tyranid Broodlord
Hey all, today I’d thought I’d show the beginnings of a Tyranid Broodlord that I have just started. The Broodlord is the final model of a large Tyranid army that I am painting for someone. I will show more photos next week once everything has…
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