This is one of my favourite Goblin sculpts, I painted this model a few years ago but I decided to dust him off and take some fresh pictures of him.
You can see I paint in very bright bold colours. I think if I were to paint him again I’d tone it all down considerably. It is a fun piece, so the bold colours kind of work. The rusty blade was a nice touch which involved stippling oranges and silvers whilst also trying to shade the blade in a nmm style.
All this talk of Goblins is making me want to purchase The Hobbit boxed game. I think once I’ve seen the film it will be near impossible trying to resist buying it.
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The goblin heroes that were released with the 6th Edition Orc book were full of character, but totally out of scale with the new night goblins that were released at the same time… I really like the bright paint job, in fact I don't think it's that bright or too bright actually.
Dayum! I have this model as well and I was planning to put it up very soon. I have actually painted it twice. The first time was when I was 8 years old and (please don't take this offensively XD) I painted it very OTT but very basic'. And I re-did it earlier this year with an orange cape and blue clothes. I must say though yours is much better than my re-do. Great Work. And I believe you have got a bad case of Hobbititus! And the only cure is to pre-order the Hobbit stuff!
Nice work. Love this model, and the work you did on the sword is really good.