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At last, I was able to finish the Sybarite, and the Kabalite Warrior for my Raider. Painting the Sybarite felt like endless… there were so many different textures on that model, and a lot of them required delicate layering and highlighting, such as the chain, the braided hair and the fluid containers. Lots of overtime at my job and a cold didn’t help either. Speaking of the fluid containers, I used the excellent tutorial from Eye of Error, and I’m very pleased with the result, even though it was my first go at painting glass. Some readers suggested to do something different with the wings, but this would have extended the painting time even more and I think the simple black suits my painting style well. What do you think?

Now onto the remaining four Scourges… I’m so gonna miss this month’s goal of Garfy’s and my Tale of Mega Painters project…