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I don’t usually post WIP shots from my desk, but I was playing around with my DSLR and two speedlites (flashguns) I recently purchased and found I could take reasonably well lit photo. The above shot was 1/60th shutter speed, aperture was 16 and ISO was 400. I had one speedlite mounted on the cameras hotshoe and the other speedlite was set to slave and set up on the right pointing upward bouncing light off the ceiling. I’ve ordered a remote trigger for the flash that mounts on the hotshoe so I can then have my speedlites set up to the left and right of the subject. 

Special bonus pic after the jump.

I popped into GW Barnet on the way home to pick up some Hunter Orcs on Wargs. Whilst I was there Cat showed me her latest model. An Ent. I was so impressed, I had to take a snap and share it. 

Check out Cat’s other Lord of the Rings models here

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay