I lasted until Imperium Issue 3 until I changed my mind and switched from Blood Angels to Black Templars. It’s not all black ad white though as you’ll find out in this post.

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Hatchette Partworks kindly sent this month’s subscription for me to check out.

Looking at the partworks collection there are a lot of different Primaris units that will be arriving every month with the subscription and I actually think it’ll be too much for one army so I’ve decided to split the collection and paint both Blood Angels and Black Templars. I think the Assault Intercessors will make great Black Templars, where as I quite fancy painting the outriders as Blood Angels.

Annoyingly, Issue 3 only comes with 3 models. Not enough for a full squad so at some point I’m going to have to scrape together the parts to make another 2 models. I was lucky enough for Games Workshop to send me a copy of the new Black Templar Army Set so I’ll have some spare weapon arms to use on some intercessor bodies from my bitz box.

Check out my review on the new Black Templars in this video.

Painting Black Templars and Blood Angel armies at the same time I’ve decided to keep myself one by matching paint schemes with both. Like the rich leather holsters and pouches and the metal ribbing between the joints. I’m also going to paint the bases the same. Check out the link below for my full tutorial on how to paint Black Templars.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay