Hey there, I’ve reworked five more models of my classic Escher collection. Check out all the pictures in this post.

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Scenic shot of five classic Necromunda Escher Gangers

I still got ten Escher models left to update, so after finishing the first batch of my Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team, I was looking for an easy in-between project. And here they are, five more iconic Jes Goodwin sculpts that stood the test of time in my opinion.

Classic Necromunda Escher gang models

I painted the models in 2014 originally, and then about half a year ago, I reworked the first half of my collection (there are twenty different sculpts), make sure to check out the showcase posts here and here. I refined the highlights, especially on the purple armour and black leather, changed a few details, updated the basing style, and also introduced some more tanned skin tones for more variation.

So, five more models to update, and job’s a good ‘un! Really love these classic Escher models, for me they blow the new ones out of the water.

What do you think? Old or new Eschers for you? Leave a reaction and tell me in the comments section below.