Age of Sigmar, Showcase

Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Praetors

Happy Dominion day everyone! Hopefully, you’ve had your Dominion sets delivered or maybe you’re on your way down to your local Games Workshop or independent stockist to pick up your copy (or two). Today on the blog I wanted to share my Praetors and talk…

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Showcase: Citadel Gaming Hill

Citadel Gaming Hill with Wyldwood trees

I recently found a Citadel Gaming Hill on ebay classified ads, and thought it would be nice to add it to my scenery collection. If you want to see more and learn how I painted this terrain piece, have a look at this post.

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Age of Sigmar, Showcase

Showcase: Fiends of Slaanesh

I recently shared my finished Infernal Enrapturess, the leader of the Slaanesh half of the Wrath and Rapture set. Spurred on by this I decided to paint the hero from the Khorne side, Karanak, The Hound of Vengeance! This three headed pooch is a tireless hunter, the physical manifestation of Khorne’s Vengeance. Karanak will stop at nothing to hunt down the heroes who defy Khorne’s will.

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