Showcase: Warhammer Underworlds Starter Set (inc. paint recipes)
Underworlds finally joins Warcry and delves deep into the Gnarlwood in the Realm of Ghur. Warbands venture under the trees and into the cavernous root halls to find spilled treasures from the fallen voidship the Eye of Chotec. In today’s post I share stunning cinematic photography of Domitian’s Stormcoven and Ephilim’s Pandaemonium. Want to know how I painted these models? Well I also have full paint recipe cards for you to bookmark or download to keep for free.
Showcase: Warhammer Underworlds Wyrdhollow boxset (inc. paint recipes)
Underworlds finally joins Warcry and delves deep into the Gnarlwood in the Realm of Ghur. Warbands venture under the trees and into the cavernous root halls to find spilled treasures from the fallen voidship the Eye of Chotec. In today’s post I share stunning cinematic photography of Domitian’s Stormcoven and Ephilim’s Pandaemonium. Want to know how I painted these models? Well I also have full paint recipe cards for you to bookmark or download to keep for free.
Review: Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood
Today we review Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood that kickstarts a new season of Warhammer Underworlds. Leaving the Nethermaze in the Realm of Shadows behind, two new warbands enter the living labyrinth hidden beneath the Gnarlwood in Ghur: the Darkoath Gnarlspirit Pack and the Deathrattle Sons of Velmorn. Find out more about these new warbands and the newly updated core rules in this review and unboxing.
Showcase: Warhammer Underworlds The Crimson Court
Hi everyone, Tom again. This time I am showing you The Crimson Court, maybe my favourite Warband from Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm.
Showcase: Warhammer Underworlds Sepulchral Guard
How does anticipation and excitement turn to guilt so quickly in the Warhammer hobby? One minute, I’m super hyped and can’t wait to paint the best looking skeleton models Games Workshop has ever released and then a blink of an eye it’s 5 years later and i’m looking at a dusty box on the shelf feeling bad I never painted them.
Tutorial Collection: How to paint Warhammer Underworlds Nethermaze
Today sees the release of both the new Nethermaze core set for Warhammer Underworlds and the new The Exiled Dead expansion. In this post, you will find a couple of tutorials and painting guides to help you paint these new warbands.
Review: The Exiled Dead (Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep)
Here comes the second Warband Expansion of Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep, The Exiled Dead. Deintalos and his electrically charged zombie experiments want to uncover the secrets of Harrowdeep, so in this review, we uncover the secrets of what you find inside The Exiled Dead box.
Review: Warhammer Underworlds Nethermaze
It’s Clan Eshin Skaven vs. Khainite Shadowstalkers in Warhammer Underworlds Netzermaze, the new core set which heralds the second half of the Harrowdeep season. Two big box sets per season is a new concept for Warhammer Underworlds, and in this review of Nethermaze, we take a closer look at what you can expect from the new core box.
Review: Warhammer Underworlds Blackpowder’s Buccaneers
Arrr, Warhammer Underworlds is currently knee deep in its fifth season, Harrowdeep, and today we take a look at the first new Warband expansion: Gorlok Blackpowder’s motley crew of Gnoblars, his trusty parrot Shreek, and even an angry looking monkey. Gather round, mateys, and check this out.
Showcase: Lumineth Realm-Lords Myari’s Purifiers
I really love the idea of the Warhammer Underworlds Warbands. They offer such cool look into design options for miniatures that might not have a place in the main game of Age of Sigmar. Myari’s Purifiers are no different. At the time of their release they showed off what we know now as the Vanari Bladelords, but now they are a great place to get some alternative sculpts for use in Warcry or AOS.
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