Review: Warhammer Underworlds Harrowdeep
I played a lot of Shadespire and Nightvault, so I’m excited to dive back into the depths with Harrowdeep. In this post I’ll share my thoughts on the minis and my experience playing the new game with my wife Jo and her experience as an absolute beginner.
Showcase: Sylvaneth Ylthari’s Guardians (incl. paint recipes)
Last week I posted a new scenic picture of my Ylthari’s Guardians warband on Instagram, and a few people asked me for a painting guide, so here it is! Learn about all the paint recipes I used in this post.
ToP Tip: Best card sleeves & storage boxes for Warhammer Underworlds
Protecting miniatures is one thing, protecting cards another. No matter if you just started your journey into Warhammer Underworlds with the new starter set or are a grizzled explorer of the Shattered City and Beastgrave, you want to keep your growing card collection in pristine condition. In this post I will tell you how.
Tutorial: How to paint scratched petrol armour
Today I’ll share my technique for painting the scratched petrol armour as seen on the Skaven in my Spiteclaw’s Swarm warband for Warhammer Underworlds. This technique can be easily adapted to any model you would like, for example, Space Marines, T’au battlesuits, Chaos Warriors, and more.
Showcase: Underworlds Skaven Spiteclaw’s Swarm (with paint recipes)
Today I present you my rendition of Spiteclaw’s Swarm, from Shadespire, season 1 of Warhammer Underworlds. The paint scheme is an evolution of the paint scheme I used for my now sold Fantasy Skaven army, if you remember these, I also used a lot of…
WIP: Underworlds Skaven Spiteclaw’s Swarm
So I’m still working on Spiteclaw’s Swarm. I had these models in my pile of shame for quite a while, so it’s great to finally tick these off the list. I started with a test model, then completed the first batch with Skritch and Krrk,…
Showcase: Underworlds Spiteclaw’s Swarm Hungering Skaven
Hey there, I started my next painting project, Spiteclaw’s Swarm for Warhammer Underworlds. I really love Skaven, they’re one of my favourite Fantasy / Age of Sigmar factions. I’ve owned a rather large Fantasy army that I sold, I painted some Skaven for Blood Bowl / Blitz Bowl,…
Showcase: Primal Lair terrain for Beastgrave
I saw a hobby phrase on Twitter the other day and it summed up this week’s painting project perfectly. Have you heard of ‘palette cleanser’? It’s a play on ‘palate cleanser’ (a neutral-flavored food or drink that removes food residue from the tongue allowing one to more accurately assess a new flavour). Well ‘palette cleanser’ is the hobby equivalent and in this context it refers to a quick and easy painting project to clear the way for another painting project. After the jump I’ll talk about how I painted this set.
Showcase: Underworlds The Wurmspat by Arkaan
Hello!, It’s Arkaan here. Not much time passed and I found my way back here ^_^ Today I’m happy to present my version of The Wurmspat, and oh boy, absolutely fantastic minis they are indeed. Super fun to paint and experiment on. I started with…
Showcase: Underworlds Nighthaunt Thorns of the Briar Queen
Finally! I finished the Thorns of the Briar Queen from our Mortal Realms subscription in my custom purple paint scheme. Check out more pictures after the jump. These were pretty enjoyable to paint, lots of character in each model. Even though I managed to break…
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